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Tag: Sourdough Stories

June 5, 2020

A ‘Labour of Loaf’

This week’s Loaf of The Week is a goodie. Our beloved ‘Labour of Loaf’ has that distinguishable dark woody crust, but it is also more open-crumbed than a lot of other whole-wheat breads, which tend to be a lot denser. It’s the healthier cousin of our popular ‘True Loaf’, as it offers more fibres and minerals, to give you lots of energy and […]

May 29, 2020

The Seeds of Loaf

We are obsessed with this week’s LOTW. The Seeded ‘Eat Pray Loaf’ contains all of the crust, crumb and seed goodness to create a wonderfully nutritious and fibre-rich loaf full of Omega 3s! Like its non-seeded siblings it was handcrafted using artisan baking methods and the finest organic flours in order to achieve a full-flavoured bread. It has […]

May 22, 2020

It’s Loaf at First Sight

This week’s ‘Loaf of The Week’ is our incredibly rich and nutritious Multigrain Sourdough Tin Loaf. Combining a lovely mix of oats, seeds and grains inside and outside, it has it all, creating a healthy and decadent loaf all in one mouthful. It’s the perfect companion to your smoked salmon or avocado toast! It’s lovely toasted or untoasted and it […]

May 15, 2020

Good In Bread Is Your Modern Day Bread Truck!

Good In Bread is your modern-day, eco-friendly, Sourdough bread truck! Our bicycles deliver fresh and delicious artisan Sourdough bread straight to your doorstep, making it a hassle-free experience from start(er) to finish. By becoming a Good In Bread subscriber, you will receive one, two or more loaves safely to your home on a weekly or bi-weekly […]

May 15, 2020

It Must Be True Loaf

Loaf of The Week: The Crowd-Pleasing White Country ‘True Loaf’! We are all about the crust and crumb and this Sourdough White Country loaf is exactly that. This family favourite is the classic white Sourdough loaf, featuring a soft, moist and open-textured crumb with a slight tang of sourness and that dark and crispy crust. It weighs […]

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