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What’s Your Flavour? Elevate your summer outdoor meals with these drool-worthy bread toppings! has been added to your cart.

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July 12, 2023

What’s Your Flavour? Elevate your summer outdoor meals with these drool-worthy bread toppings!

Hey there, bread enthusiasts! Today we’re diving into the wonderful world of summer-perfect bread toppings for those epic outdoor meals. Because let’s face it, a good bread selection is the backbone of any great feast, and summer is the perfect time to experiment with fresh and flavourful combinations. So, buckle up, buttercups, because we’re about […]

June 23, 2023

Chorizo Chilli Hot Dogs

Being half-American, I grew up going to Los Angeles every summer to visit my Mom’s family, and one of my fondest memories of those times there was attending LA Dodger games and indulging in their famous Dodger dogs – here’s a recipe for you to recreate the experience. For the hot dog For the chorizo […]

June 14, 2023

Good in Bread joins the Buy Women Built Movement

At Good in Bread, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Buy Women Built movement, a momentous step in our journey to empower women and promote inclusivity. We believe in not only delivering delicious bread but also making a positive impact on society. By joining this movement, we aim to celebrate and support […]

May 16, 2023

We’re jammin’

Exploring the Rich History of Jam: A Perfect Companion for Sourdough Bread Welcome, bread enthusiasts and jam aficionados, to a journey through time as we unravel the fascinating history of jam. Today, we invite you to savour the delightful tale behind this delectable spread and discover why it has become the perfect companion for your […]

May 3, 2023

Egg and Cress on Sourdough

Ingredients 2 slices of sourdough bread 2 eggs 2 tbsp of mayonnaise some cress salt and pepper to taste

May 2, 2023

Panzanella salad

Panzanella is a classic Tuscan salad that has been enjoyed in Italy for centuries. Its origins can be traced back to the days when Tuscany was a rural region, and people had to make do with whatever ingredients were available. The dish was created as a way to use up stale bread and make a […]

April 3, 2023

Hot Cross Bun Bread & Butter Pudding

Easter is the perfect time to indulge in hot cross buns and bread pudding. This recipe combines the two, using Sourdough hot cross buns to make a delicious and decadent bread and butter pudding. The tangy flavour of the sourdough buns pairs perfectly with the sweetness of the raisins and cinnamon in the hot cross […]

March 15, 2023

Grilled Vegetables and Halloumi on Sourdough Bread

Ingredients 1 slice of sourdough bread Seasonal vegetables (for instance butternut squash, broccoli, courgettes, aubergines…) Olive oil Halloumi cheese Salt an pepper to taste Process

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