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September 18, 2020

Sourdough & Cheese Giveaway!

As part of Sourdough September we’ve partnered with The Cheese Society to give one lucky winner 1X FREE BOX OF SOURDOUGH BREAD + 1X FREE BOX OF CHEESE delivered straight to your doorstep! What’s a better pairing than cheese & bread? Your cheese & bread boxes will arrive on the same day so you can […]

September 17, 2020

Sourdough September Week #3

In Week 3 of Sourdough September we wanted to highlight a really important attribute of artisan sourdough bread, which is how it contains much less gluten than store-bought loaves.  Whilst we love gluten and the bouncy texture it creates, this makes sourdough even better for those who are slightly intolerant! Fun Fact: Gluten is not […]

September 10, 2020

Sourdough September Week #2

Week 2 of Sourdough September is all about celebrating Sourdough’s huge nutritional benefits. When bread is made using natural leavens and slow fermentation, it becomes rich in nutrients, minerals and anti-oxidants. How? The ancient process of fermenting dough unlocks the bio-availability of key nutrients, such as fibre, plus the minerals that are found in the flour. This is […]

September 3, 2020

Welcome to Sourdough September!

This month is Sourdough September and we are celebrating the occasion by highlighting 1 benefit of Sourdough per week, along with many tidbits, surprises, fun content & general Sourdough goodness along the way. Sourdough’s benefits are numerous, especially when made the artisan way. This week, we wanted to highlight the number 1 benefit of Sourdough: the […]

August 12, 2020

Delightfully Crunchy; Healthy Treat With Sourdough Bread

Our ‘Loaf of The Week’ subscribers this week may find a lovely surprise in their box to accompany their Sourdough loaf in the form of a delicious Organic Roasted Almond Butter sample.  Packed with nutrients and plant-based, we cannot get enough of this decadent organic almond butter spread.  Lather it on a slice of Sourdough bread […]

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