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Tag: sourdough bread bakery

October 8, 2020

Good In Spread

This week we’re all about spreading the loaf, so we’re eager to see your Good In Spread creations.  Everyone loves their toast a different way; at Good in Bread, Jess prefers savoury over sweet, always opting for marmite, whereas Emily stays loyal to salted butter and honey.  Which one are you?  To spread the loaf, […]

October 2, 2020

The Overnight Oat ‘Hearty Loaf’

We are proud to present our new Overnight Oat Sourdough ‘Hearty Loaf’. Made from soaked overnight oats, this nutritious and decadent loaf is packed with antioxidants and fibres, providing you with even more healthy nourishment to last you through the day. We love it for breakfast as it pairs just as beautifully with butter and […]

October 2, 2020

Our Partners In Crumb

We are very proud to be collaborating exclusively with Sciascia Storey, an independent artisan wholesale bakery in West London, our one and only partners in crumb! Using 100% organic flours and a slow and cold fermentation process, they provide us with loaves that are handcrafted the artisan way, packed with nutrients, character and flavour, creating authentic Sourdough that is good for the body and […]

September 24, 2020

Sourdough September Week #4

For us, Sourdough September has been all about celebrating the numerous benefits of Sourdough bread on our general health. This week, we draw your attention to the impact of Sourdough bread on blood sugar levels in our body. We asked our dear friend, naturopathic nutritionist & regular Loaf Of The Week subscriber Stephanie Chillaz to speak to […]

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