Grilled Cheese Sourdough Sandwich

We think some of the most classical recipes can be the best. Here’s a recipe for the one of our favourites, the grilled cheese sandwich. See this as a base and then experiment with all of your additional ingredients for the filling to make it your own!
- Sliced or grated cheese
- White/brown sourdough bread slices
- Unsalted butter, very soft (so it can be spread evenly)
Optional ingredients: vegetables, dried meats, pickles
- Butter one side of each bread slice and lay the slices buttered-sides down. Divide the cheese between slices and top each with a second slice of buttered bread. All the buttered sides should face outwards. Put the cheese sandwich in a pan or iin your sandwich toaster/toasties maker and cook for 2 to 3 mn.
- Tip: If you are using a pan, lay the sandwiches (or single sandwich, if cooking in batches) in the pan and cover with a square of nonstick baking paper and a heavy weight such as a small frying pan or round baking dish.Cook the sandwiches for about 2-3 minutes on the first side, occasionally checking that the bread isn’t over-browning. It needs to cook very slowly to melt the cheese and should only be a pale golden colour so adjust the heat if needed. Once the bread is crisp, remove the paper and weight and flip the sandwiches over. Again, replace the paper and weight and cook slowly for 2-3 minutes, until pale golden and crisp.