Back May 13, 2021

Chickpea Burger With ‘Loaf Handles’ Brioche Buns

Vegetarian’s we have you covered with these deliciously satisfying chickpea burgers. You can also whip up a quick hummus to spread on your bun too, which we’ve included a recipe for below: 


Blend all the ingredients together in a liquidizer until it comes together

Without a blender is possible – simply smash together with a whisk.

Mix together, Make a patty or falafel style balls

Bake or pan fry until GOLDEN both sides

Toast the buns & fill with the pattie.

You can also make a really quick hummus with just a few simple ingredients:

Blend together in a liquidizer until it becomes smooth. Mix together, Salt it well.

Eat with Carrots, or dollop on your Chickpea Burger!